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B&Q Fire Pit Chimnea Brazier Outdoor Garden Stove Rocket Fire


Rocket Fire PitMake the most of the outdoor life on cool evenings with this stylish fire pit. Perfect for using in the garden or on the patio, unlike many open fire pits, the Rocket has mesh sides and door to prevent hot embers from spitting out from the fire and burning those sat around the fire.The unique design incorporates a chimney to ensure that the smoke is drawn up above and away from those who are sat around the firepit, making the experience of being sat around a firepit safer and more comfortable.

Rocket Fire PitMake the most of the outdoor life on cool evenings with this stylish fire pit. Perfect for using in the garden or on the patio, unlike many open fire pits, the Rocket has mesh sides and door to prevent hot embers from spitting out from the fire and burning those sat around the fire.The unique design incorporates a chimney to ensure that the smoke is drawn up above and away from those who are sat around the firepit, making the experience of being sat around a firepit safer and more comfortable.

<p>Get the most out of your outdoor space on chilly evenings with the Rocket Fire Pit. Whether it&#8217;s in the garden or on the patio, this stylish fire pit is the perfect addition to your outdoor gatherings. Unlike traditional open fire pits, the Rocket features mesh sides and a door to prevent hot embers from spitting out and potentially causing harm.</p>

<p>The innovative design includes a chimney that effectively draws smoke up and away from the seated guests around the fire pit, ensuring a safer and more comfortable experience. Say goodbye to smoke-filled eyes and clothes with the Rocket Fire Pit!</p>

    <li>Stylish and practical fire pit for outdoor gatherings</li>
    <li>Mesh sides and door for safety</li>
    <li>Chimney design for smoke-free enjoyment</li>


<h4>Is the Rocket Fire Pit suitable for use on a wooden deck?</h4>
<p>Yes, the Rocket Fire Pit is safe for use on a wooden deck, thanks to its mesh sides and chimney that direct smoke upwards.</p>

<h4>Can the Rocket Fire Pit be used for cooking?</h4>
<p>While primarily designed for providing heat and ambiance, the Rocket Fire Pit can be used for toasting marshmallows and cooking hot dogs over the flames.</p>

<h4>How easy is it to clean the Rocket Fire Pit?</h4>
<p>The Rocket Fire Pit is easy to clean with a wire brush and some mild soap. Make sure the pit has completely cooled down before cleaning.</p>

<h4>What is the best way to extinguish the fire in the Rocket Fire Pit?</h4>
<p>Allow the fire to burn down to embers, then carefully sprinkle water over them. Always make sure the fire is fully extinguished before leaving it unattended.</p>